I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Best Friends

I am exusted. (but not too exusted to blog)


My blog today is about best friends. :) Now, my bestie Erika is always with me. Always. Some people find it wierd but whatever. Yes we do get into fights, but who doesn't? We are both really similar, (in the controlling section).
 When Erika is with me, we tend to get into trouble a lot. Which I'm not proud of but I expect it. I have fully excepted that she will land us in jail one day.
 We are both loud, crazy, and really energized. Very surprisingly we haven't got kicked out of any place yet. hahaha
 We both know each other better than anyone else. We know each others secrets, and knows when or when we are about to cry. All of our emotions, and such.
 I don't know what I'd do without this gal. I'd probably go crazy. She's mah sista:)

I seriously will not eat like I do around anyone else but Erika and my family. Hahaha


I know I dedicated a whole blog to Armando already so i'll make this quick.
 My buddy has been very wrongly accused, and jailed. Now, before you jump to conclusions, I need to tell you now that he is nothing but innocent. Sadly, in come cases the accuser has a couple upper hands.
 I knew all along what was going on but I never knew it would go this far. He does not deserve to go to jail. He is the sweetest guy, very caring, and smart.  Armando doesn't deserve to go through what he has these past couple of months and he hasn't complained once.
 I wish I could take away all of his pain, but I can't which just kills me inside. The first thing he said to his sister a couple of days ago, is I need Maddie's address so I can write to her. That just broke my heart.
Please pray for him.

I always hated that head set. He always wore it just to annoy me. hahaha

Until next time,