I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Week O' School

Well, I had a great first week! Odd, and somewhat stressful, but great! I love my ASB job (which is apparently insupierior to all of the other leaders.) and the signs that have been coming out of that little 26 building.
 Monday started off right with Starbucks. :) Got to school, caught up with a bunch of people and went to my classes. At lunch Taylor and I went to our good ol' spot in the park and ate lunch, but it wasn't quite the same with out our little posy. And soccer practice to top it off. Over all good day.
 Tuesday, came with first period strength and fit. In which we ran about two miles (not my favorite period to have workouts) Then  Physical therapy which ended up me walking out with a moved, and taped, knee. Oh, dear.
 Wednesday was a day of pain I tell you. My quads hurt like a you-know-what, I was walking like a pregnant lady because of my taped knee, had to sit out of P.E because of the knee which wasn't fun. But tolerable. I ended up going home early.
 Thursday still no P.E for me which I was okay with since they played dodge ball for the whole period. (muh-ha-ha) Then I spent my whole lunch running across campus, which is huge, putting up tennis signs.
 Friday's start was great (cootoos to Starbucks) but then took a crash and burn when the rally was canceled. Oh holy baby Jesus. So, instead I had multiple signs made, which was very good to get out of the way. Then the rest of the day was pretty good:)
 I'm so looking forward to the next week, getting ever closer to my first soccer game of the season and being braces free. I can't wait!
 !El fotos!

1. Taking a breather.
2. Christen and I rocking the mini's in History.
3. My poor knee.
4. My morning face. Don't judge.

Until next time,