Well folks I have some good news and a new blog topic! Anonymous got the guy that we were trying to help her with! Congrats sweets! Now, I also got a blog topic as well: how do I deal with being a full time soccer player, being a teenage girl, and having all the boys come after me? I will now answer!
Being all of that (not so much having all the guys come after me) takes effort. Believe me, if you want to "do it all" you need to let go of a alot of things. Like sleepovers, you time, study sessions, parties, dances, ect. Being a full time soccer player is not easy. Since you only have two months off time (not counting the summer training during the time) you miss a lot, but I do it for the love of the game, not to keep busy. You learn how to move things around your practices and physical therapy appointments and such.
When your a teenage girl, on a soccer team and having a busy lifestyle, it's not really fun. With the periods, mood swings, crushes, and the mandatory shopping trips it's no walk in the park. Run out of pads on a three hour soccer practice? Been there. Cramps interfere with school? Done that. Mood swings on everybody that looks at you? Yup. Was there. You don't really have that whole teenage girl experience. But that's okay. And yet we still find time to date. We are wonder women I tell you.
Boys. Oh holy baby Jesus. The things these human being do to us. Tears, heartbreak, and butterflies. We understand when they have football practice or play Call of Duty till their fingers bleed. But do they understand when WE have practice or therapy? No they don't. The whole process of "talking" and dating takes time. Time, we don't have. In order for me to even think about going out with a guy, they have to pass my rules. Rules: Understands I'm busy, cute, plays sports, and knows that I will not go out of my way just because he wants to make out and can't keep it in his pants. Purity ring dude.
So, how do I deal with it all? I prioritize. I make lists, keep calenders, and stress out constantly. But, also, I make at least two hours for me time. Being relaxed and refreshed helps emencly. Even if I lock myself in my room and stare at my wall. Just be organized. If you go by those steps you'll be fine. Promise.
Now, on your other question on if I will get my books published or if I will release them. I was in the process of trying to get one of them locally published, but I don't know what happened to that. But I will get around to releasing part of one, just so you all can read. :)
I saw this and it immediately reminded me of my 6"2 best friend.
Hope I answered your questions good enough! I'm always open to this type of stuff, anytime!:)
Until next time,