I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In One Second

Ok, so I was going to do my monthly favorites and such, but I have something that I need to say and address in stead.
 My mom picked me up from school, and we were on our way home (almost to the carving station) when a white Jeep Cherokee two cars away from us, flipped and landed on her side. We immediately stopped and my mom ran out. I called 911 and gave the information. A couple of guys came and helped my mom, a lady named Annette get the girl out of the car. She turned out fine, and no one else was in the car with her thank god.
 I say it was a pretty traumatic experience for her. Her car was inches away from falling into a ditch. We can only learn from this as a sign that life changes in on second. It was pretty crazy.
 My monthly favorites will be tomorrow! I have some good ones!

Until next time,