I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

So much has happened in the year 2012, that I knew the best way I could express it was through my blog and pictures... Happy New year darlings.

I begun my Freshman year of high school at one of the best around, I joined ASB, clubs and the girls soccer team. I realized who are true friends and who aren't. I learned that life could suck bad. But friends can always mend the wounds.

I turned 15 and adopted the cutest puppy ever.

I returned home, and soaked up what was and would've been. It cleared my mind and soul.

I became my own person, I chopped my hair, broke up with my boyfriend, changed what I wore, and changed my friends. Best decision.

My true friends stuck by me no matter what and never judged.

Everyone came together, forgetting the past and willing to make future memories.
I joined a team that became family.
Family is forever in the soccer world. I became a sophomore and joined the girls soccer team once more.

I found my true best friends.

I created my new blog and some how became wildly popular in the blogosphere.

My best friends became brothers and sisters.

I broke down all the walls, and gave the light to my own manifested darkness.

I learned the natural beauty is the best beauty.

I found, with some luck, a person that I could lean on.

I embraced new changes.

Finally, I stopped changing myself, and I went back to the real me. The me that left Kernville desperately trying to figure out what life really meant. The girl who found what she liked, found that she was strong and smart, and will always stay the same.
Until Next Time,