I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Red Faced Love Birds, Mono, and my 101 post

Happy finals week everybody! I just want to bang my little head against something hard. Anyways as you can see I have posted 101 post today! :D Also, today I was sick and I was expressing to Miss Olivia Pearson how this was nothing like the time I had mono. So mono and lovebirds behind us gave me a blog idea. Thus, the mono blog was born! Let's start.

Around mid may last year I got mono. I thought it was sun poisoning (since we started swimming in p.e) I had extreme body aches, I was hot/cold, and I had the worst head and sore throat know to man. During the week I toughed it out very miserably, but on the weekend I defiantly knew something was wrong. I was extremely tired, very light headed (from almost passing out a few times in the shower) , and the only time I wasn't sleeping was when I had to use the restroom, or eat. The following Monday I went to my doctor an she did a throat culture for strep but she was almost certain I had can you guess, mono. I stayed home horribly sick for two weeks. I had lost a lot of weight, and I was extremely weak for months. I can honest to god swear that I have never been so sick in my life. I got the very mild case, but it certainly felt like I was dieing. I would never wish mono upon anyone.

And now for my new favorite couple.. Kristin Bonillas and Ryan Emerick. Those two are meant for each other! I want them to have white, blond hair babies! They are now dubbed the Red Faced Love Birds, simply because they flushed bright red at the same time when we mentioned them. Congrats you two. Stay together or I'll attack you both.
1. And the couple make their debut on my blog for the very first time.
2. A latte for the sickly Maddie.
Until Next Time,