I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Monday, July 16, 2012

So I'm just going to jump right into things.
 Today was a wonderful day! :)
We took my grams and papa  to Kohl's to get something semi-matching (even though I would have preferred Macy's or Chicos for them) to wear for their 65th wedding anniversary party. Which my mom has been slaving over for a long time.
 Six pares of pants and a hour later, my grams finally found what she was looking for. Of course I wondered off and found a AH-DOR-A-BLE dress by Lauren Conrad. Then we get to check out and it takes us 15 minutes because we were trying to figure out how to work our membership. Then, we had to go back in because the lady didn't take off the ink thingies.
 We went out to Applebee's for lunch (my first time and I wasn't impressed) and I ate wayyyy too much while drooling over a Arsenal v. San Jose soccer game.
 We came home and I went to soccer practice, which a hour and a half practice turned into a two hour and a quarter practice. Although, it was so much fun I didn't even care.
 Well darlings, I am beginning to organize for my departure to L.A on Friday. I will probably come back Wednesday just in time for practice. I will blog every step of the way, don't you worry.
 As for tomorrow's blog I will be discussing shopping tactics, since my wonderful boyfriend suggested it. (thanks zack) Get ready to take notes!
 I sadly do not have any pictures today, since I am totally beat and have to ice.

Until next time,