I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mental Health Week: Day 2

 Following yesterday's post, I would like to continue this segment with a discussion about anxiety. Let's just jump right into it, shall we? 
 I'm not going to give you a textbook definition of what anxiety "really is" because if I'm going to be honest, there is no one definition. It is different for each person. For me, anxiety is very debilitating. It feels like what I would imagine death would feel like. A little dramatic I know, but it's what I think. 
 I have had anxiety my whole life and I can remember back to preschool age when I would get a panic attack going threw a canyon to get to my town. I remember at age four having to breathe into a paper bag because I was hyperventilating myself. I'm pretty sure I was commiting extreme truancy in elementary school because my anxiety was out of control. Thus being said, I'm pretty experienced in the realm of anxiety.
 I want people to know that it isn't just a word, its something that people struggle with every day and shouldn't be taken lightly. I believe people should educate themselves and open up to talk about what they are going through. 
 There is a happy life with anxiety. I found mine when I finally was regularly talking with my counselor and my family about what I was feeling. They stood by me and helped through some of the worst times in my life and I owe everything I have to them. Although, help only comes when you finally decide to help yourself and realize that you are truly worth it. Help doesn't come from just medical professionals or pills but from God as well. Sometimes it's hard to go to Him when you are in such a low place but what I found to be very true is that God is with you when you're at that low place and is willing to listen to your prayers and guide you through your journey. At times, God will be the only one for you and worshipping him has made me feel 100xs better mentally and physically. 
 Anxiety sucks. It has thrown me down and kept me there. It watched me struggle and cry for help. The thing is, you can beat this and so can I. Don't be like me and wait for the help, but instead help yourself. Know that there is another side and it's beautiful to be at. Life does go on, so let's kick and fight to beat this because we are all worth it. 

Until Next Time, 