I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mental Health Week: Day 3

 To start things off, I chose not to post yesterday to kinda give everyone a breather and some reflection time. Momma Mad Dog is looking out for you, you know. 

 Today I would like to talk about depression. Something that most have all gone through at one point in their life. If not handled right, the results could lead to very dangerous actions. This is very important to talk about because depression comes in many shapes and forms; many that people need help with. 
 When I was younger, I would hate clouds and rainy days because it would make sad. That was my earliest forms of depression, but it was never a problem until middle school/junior high. I had a really tough time with friends and drama during those years and was upset a lot. I started to notice that when I was sad or upset, it wouldn't go away like it use to. It would haunt me for most of the day. Soon, I was having a hard time getting out of bed and there was rarely a day where I wasn't so sad. I cried a lot and was really struggling to keep my head above water. It was like empending doom everyday for years. I thought this was it and I was going to die sad and alone. It was like a cloud was over my head and I just couldn't make it go away. That's when I first decided to seek help and went to a therapist who recommended counseling and medication. I was in such a deep dark place I thought it wouldn't help but a month or so I was finally starting to feel better. I could hop right out bed and go the whole day with a happy attitude. 
 I thank God that I asked for help when I did because I don't know where I would've ended up, but it probably wouldn't have been good. It brought me back to life and helped me fight off the bad thoughts and learn how to control my feelings. I became my own person, not someone who was leashed to sadness.
 Depression is different for everyone and unique struggles come with it. If I could tell you just one thing that I learned it would be this: it will get better. I hated myself and what I had become and thought I would forever feel this way. I was proved so very wrong. It may be quite a struggle but everyone deserves a happy life and a happy life is what you shall have. 

Until Next Time,