I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

World Mental Health Day 2017

  Life, guys, life. What a rollercoaster it has been this last year. New job, new school, and of course new health problems. I have had a major relapse with my anxiety and panic disorders and well as my clinical depression. Every year since I started this blog, I have always been very open about mental health and have been vocal about my struggles on this day.
  Every human, at some point, has some form of anxiety. It's completely natural to go through, but I feel like the world has been more normalized, in the term of just throwing it around with no real meaning. I think that is why some people don't take how serious mental health is.
  In my case, I have had it my whole life and is completely genetic. My new struggle to date is having nocturnal attacks. So, not so much during the day but more of just the feeling of it, then at night I get attacks and don't sleep. That's something that I have kind of struggled with because (1) I love sleep, I could do it all day no problem and (2) my job requires me to wake up early, so I usually get fourish hours a night.
  I'm not going to depress you through this whole post I promise! I have found a new (more like rediscovered) and amazing way to deal with my never-ending anxiety. Y-O-G-A! It's the answer. I found a wonderful studio a couple of months ago and I haven't stopped. It literally has changed my life in more ways than I could possibly type. I'm more calm, my attitude has changed, and I'm getting strong! The transformation from then to now is pretty drastic. It's something that I look forward to!
  I don't want to make this day, a day of sadness but a day of recovery and progress because that's what we all need today! And every day!  Join the community of mental health and help educate and give awareness, that it's not an "illness" but simply something that affects people more than others.
  Come together and love each other.

Until Next Time,