I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bayla Kollenborn

 For my fifteenth birthday I didn't want anything but a puppy. I had my heart set on a specific breed but that wasn't going to work out. I'm so glad it didn't. Instead I went to the SPCA to find the perfect one, but when I got there I became discouraged because there were so many dogs that needed homes and I was afraid that I would be too overwhelmed to find one. It smelled gross and it was so loud in the kennel I wanted to give up. I looked at the sweet faces of those dogs but it just wasn't right. Then I came to a kennel that had a bunch of tiny puppies and the first one that came to me (very excited I might add) I knew she was the one. 
 My parents were reluctant and urged me to look around more but I just had to have the tiny brown chihuahua. I got to hold her and play with her for a little while and I immediately became attached. I adopted and named Bayla that very day. She had to stay to get fixed so in that time I prepared for a new doggy in the house.
 I admit potty training was rough and torn clothing and shoes just put me to my wits end but dresses and carrying her along with me at the store is quite fun. So right now Bayla is two and is a major spoiled drama queen. She rules the household. Que "All About Bayla" list. 

1. She loves cheese
2. Has a weak stomach 
3. Likes to chase deer
4. Uses and abuses the cats (they oddly enjoy it)
5. Has major stranger danger 
6. Has major mommy separation anxiety 
7. Likes to run across the street (which results in a spank and no cat visitation)
8. Loves to show me her teeth (and smiles on que)
9. LOVES babies (animals, humans even the word)
10. Likes to cuddle in bed 
11. Sleeps all night 
12. Has a bladder of a insect 
13. Loves to give kisses
14. She gets put in the purse and hides in there for hours
15. Has a car seat and is buckled in tight
16. Likes when you sing to her
17. Has the cutest cry 
18. Scratches at my door when I'm needed
19. Lays on my bed when I'm away 
20. She loves going to Grammy and Papas house (they dish out the treats and snacks)
21. Loves the groomers 
22. Has acquired the names "Bay Bay, pooper, Bayla bear etc."

 I had to write this in result of a rough weekend for Bayla with a impromptu sickness. A sickly pup breaks my heart. I hate to admit that occasionally I'm not a good dog parent but I try. 

Bayla you are such a gem in my life and I can't imagine a day with out you. 


Until Next Time,