I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why Athletic Training Is Hard

 Athletic training is hard. Why you might ask? I will answer. 

 I absolutely adore Athletic training and the people that I have learned with. I love the environment and the athletes I work with. I constantly get asked how I deal with sweaty football feet and toe nails that fall off and honestly it doesn't even phase me one bit. Is that weird? Anyways seeing a athlete have to end a sport because of an injury or a rough rehabbing is never a easy thing but we always get through it. What makes althletic training hard is not having your friends or your athletes around you. AT is so much fun, but with out people to help you and wipe the blood off your face it's definitely difficult. Athletic training is a team caring for a team. Without your team by your side it's kinda lonely. 
 That's why today I'm celebrating friends and the ones that has helped me through those long football nights. I love my AT family. 

Until Next Time,