I am and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reading My Childhood

 It seems no matter how many times I scrub my hands when I wash and over dose on Vitamin C, with out fail I always seem to catch some sort of illness every break we have. Last week I thought I had side stepped the doomed sickness, I went to LA and took in all the good vibes I could and just went with the flow and had fun. I do admit that during our playoff game I was a snotty sneezy mess but I had only allowed myself to accept that it was allergies. I made it to Saturday with good health, but when I came back that night from a 12-12 shift with American Ambulance, I had the worst body aches. Hence my two day extended vacation at home in bed. Sick.
 Anyways, that whole preface will explain my title in good time. So, for the past couple of days in bed I have lots of time to think and what have you and it slowly dawned on me that my "childhood" will come to a end on Sunday for I will become 18 on that day which means ADULTHOOD. I'm not saying this as if the minute I turn 18 my parents will kick me out of the house but as a sentimental type of thing. I have had 17 good years to soak up my childhood and as of late I have kind of forgotten how good it was to be a kid and all of the things that made it so good.
 One of my highlights when I was younger was Harry Potter. Yes, you are reading the written words of a true Harry Potter fan. Today I was reminiscing with myself about how awesome the books were and how I would watch the movies over and over again. I missed my fairy tale/magic addicted mind just loving every bit of the characters and how it made my brain wonder and dream. Thus, I grabbed The Sorcerers Stone and started reading it today and I haven't put it down. I love reading the books because it's like a super long extended movie in my brain and to a book lover like myself, that is why we read.
 Basically I'm reading my childhood. Something I'm enjoying before a number will change my place in life. Here's to being a kid for five more days!

Until Next Time,